General Egg Syntax#

Syntax Notation#

Egg files consist of a series of sequential and hierarchically-nested entries.

In general, the syntax of each entry is:

<EntryType> name { contents }

Where the name is optional (and in many cases, ignored anyway) and the syntax of the contents is determined by the <EntryType>.

The name (and strings in general) may be either quoted with double quotes or unquoted.

Newlines are treated like any other whitespace, and case is not significant.

The angle brackets are literally a part of the entry keyword. (Square brackets and ellipses in this document are used to indicate optional pieces, and are not literally part of the syntax.)

The name field is always syntactically allowed between an entry keyword and its opening brace, even if it will be ignored.


Entries are typically written on separate lines, like this:

<Model> { 1 }
<ObjectType> { Barrier }

While not ideal for clarity, this is technically also valid:



Comments may be delimited using either the C++-style // ... or the C-style /* ... */. C comments do not nest.

There is also a <Comment> entry type, of the form:

<Comment> { text }

<Comment> entries are slightly different, in that tools which read and write egg files will preserve the text within <Comment> entries, but they may not preserve comments delimited by // or /* */.

Special characters and keywords within a <Comment> entry should be quoted; it’s safest to quote the entire comment.

Local Information Entries#

These nodes contain information relevant to the current level of nesting only.

<Scalar> name { value }
<Char*> name { value }

Because of a syntactic accident with the way the egg syntax evolved, <Scalar> and <Char*> are lexically the same and both can represent either a string or a number. <Char*> is being phased out; it is suggested that new egg files use only <Scalar>.

Global Information Entries#

These nodes contain information relevant to the file as a whole. They can be nested along with geometry nodes, but this nesting is irrelevant and the only significant placement rule is that they should appear before they are referenced.


<Texture> name { filename [scalars] }

This describes a texture file that can be referenced later with <TRef> { name }.

It is not necessary to make a <Texture> entry for each texture to be used; a texture may also be referenced directly by the geometry via an abbreviated inline <Texture> entry, but a separate <Texture> entry is the only way to specify anything other than the default texture attributes.

If the filename is a relative path, the current egg file’s directory is searched first, and then the defined config values for texture-path and model-path are searched.

The following attributes are presently implemented for textures:

<Scalar> alpha-file { alpha-filename }

<Scalar> alpha-file-channel { channel }

<Scalar> format { format-definition }

<Scalar> compression { compression-mode }

<Scalar> wrap { repeat-definition }

<Scalar> wrapu { repeat-definition }

<Scalar> wrapv { repeat-definition }

<Scalar> wrapw { repeat-definition }

<Scalar> uv-name { name }

<Scalar> borderr { red-value }

<Scalar> borderg { green-value }

<Scalar> borderb { blue-value }

<Scalar> bordera { alpha-value }

<Scalar> type { texture-type }

<Scalar> multiview { flag }

<Scalar> num-views { count }

<Scalar> read-mipmaps { flag }

<Scalar> minfilter { filter-type }

<Scalar> magfilter { filter-type }

<Scalar> magfilteralpha { filter-type }

<Scalar> magfiltercolor { filter-type }

<Scalar> anisotropic-degree { degree }

<Scalar> envtype { environment-type }


<Vertex> number { x [y [z [w]]] [attributes] }

A <Vertex> entry is only valid within a vertex pool definition. The number is the index by which this vertex will be referenced. It is optional; if it is omitted, the vertices are implicitly numbered consecutively beginning at one. If the number is supplied, the vertices need not be consecutive.

Normally, vertices are three-dimensional (with coordinates x, y, and z); however, in certain cases vertices may have fewer or more dimensions, up to four. This is particularly true of vertices used as control vertices of NURBS curves and surfaces. If more coordinates are supplied than needed, the extra coordinates are ignored; if fewer are supplied than needed, the missing coordinates are assumed to be 0.

The vertex’s coordinates are always given in world space, regardless of any transforms before the vertex pool or before the referencing geometry. If the vertex is referenced by geometry under a transform, the egg loader will do an inverse transform to move the vertex into the proper coordinate space without changing its position in world space. One exception is geometry under an <Instance> node; in this case the vertex coordinates are given in the space of the <Instance> node. (Another exception is a <DynamicVertexPool>; see below.)

While each vertex must at least have a position, it may also have a color, normal, pair of UV coordinates, and/or a set of morph offsets. Furthermore, the color, normal, and UV coordinates may themselves have morph offsets. Thus, the [attributes] in the syntax line above may be replaced with zero or more of the following entries:

<Dxyz> target { x y z }

This specifies the offset of this vertex for the named morph target. See the Morphs section below.

<Normal> { x y z [morph-list] }

This specifies the surface normal of the vertex. If omitted, the vertex will have no normal. Normals may also be morphed; morph-list here is thus an optional list of <DNormal> entries, similar to the above.

<RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }

This specifies the four-valued color of the vertex. Each component is in the range 0.0 to 1.0. A vertex color, if specified for all vertices of the polygon, overrides the polygon’s color. If neither color is given, the default is white (1 1 1 1). The morph-list is an optional list of <DRGBA> entries.

Vertex Pools#

<VertexPool> name { vertices }

A vertex pool is a set of vertices. All geometry is created by referring to vertices by number in a particular vertex pool. There may be one or several vertex pools in an egg file, but all vertices that make up a single polygon must come from the same vertex pool. The body of a <VertexPool> entry is simply a list of one or more <Vertex> entries.

In neither case does it make a difference whether the vertex pool is itself declared under a transform or an <Instance> node. The only deciding factor is whether the geometry that uses the vertex pool appears under an <Instance> node. It is possible for a single vertex to be interpreted in different coordinate spaces by different polygons.

<DynamicVertexPool> name { vertices }

A dynamic vertex pool is similar to a vertex pool in most respects, except that each vertex might be animated by substituting in values from a <VertexAnim> table. Also, the vertices defined within a dynamic vertex pool are always given in local coordinates, instead of world coordinates.

The presence of a dynamic vertex pool makes sense only within a character model, and a single dynamic vertex pool may not span multiple characters. Each dynamic vertex pool creates a DynVerts object within the character by the same name; this name is used later when matching up the corresponding <VertexAnim>.


At the present time, the DynamicVertexPool is not implemented in Panda3D.

UVs (Vertexes)#

<UV> [name] { u v [w] [tangent] [binormal] [morph-list] }

This gives the texture coordinates of a vertex. This must be specified if a texture is to be mapped onto this geometry.

The texture coordinates are usually two-dimensional, with two component values (u v), but they may also be three-dimensional, with three component values (u v w). (Arguably, it should be called <UVW> instead of <UV> in the three-dimensional case, but it’s not.)

As before, morph-list is an optional list of <DUV> entries.

Unlike the other kinds of attributes, there may be multiple sets of UV’s on each vertex, each with a unique name; this provides support for multitexturing. The name may be omitted to specify the default UV’s.

The UV’s also support an optional tangent and binormal. These values are based on the vertex normal and the UV coordinates of connected vertices, and are used to render normal maps and similar lighting effects. They are defined within the <UV> entry because there may be a different set of tangents and binormals for each different UV coordinate set. If present, they have the expected syntax:

<UV> [name] { u v [w] <Tangent> { x y z } <Binormal> { x y z } }
<AUX> name { x y z w }

This specifies some named per-vertex auxiliary data which is imported from the egg file without further interpretation by Panda. The auxiliary data is copied to the vertex data under a column with the specified name. Presumably the data will have meaning to custom code or a custom shader. Like named UV’s, there may be multiple Aux entries for a given vertex, each with a different name.


<Polygon> name {
    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }

A polygon consists of a sequence of vertices from a single vertex pool. Vertices are identified by pool-name and index number within the pool; indices is a list of vertex numbers within the given vertex pool. Vertices are listed in counterclockwise order. Although the vertices must all come from the same vertex pool, they may have been assigned to arbitrarily many different joints regardless of joint connectivity (there is no “straddle-polygon” limitation). See Joints, below.

The polygon syntax is quite verbose, and there isn’t any way to specify a set of attributes that applies to a group of polygons–the attributes list must be repeated for each polygon. This is why egg files tend to be very large.

The following attributes may be specified for polygons:

<TRef> { texture-name }

This refers to a named <Texture> entry given earlier. It applies the given texture to the polygon. This requires that all the polygon’s vertices have been assigned texture coordinates.

This attribute may be repeated multiple times to specify multitexture. In this case, each named texture is applied to the polygon, in the order specified.

<Texture> { filename }

This is another way to apply a texture to a polygon. The <Texture> entry is defined “inline” to the polygon, instead of referring to a <Texture> entry given earlier. There is no way to specify texture attributes given this form.

There’s no advantage to this syntax for texture mapping. It’s supported only because it’s required by some older egg files.

<MRef> { material-name }

This applies the material properties defined in the earlier <Material> entry to the polygon.

<Normal> { x y z [morph-list] }

This defines a polygon surface normal. The polygon normal will be used unless all vertices also have a normal. If no normal is defined, none will be supplied. The polygon normal, like the vertex normal, may be morphed by specifying a series of <DNormal> entries.

The polygon normal is used only for lighting and environment mapping calculations, and is not related to the implicit normal calculated for CollisionPolygons.

<RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }

This defines the polygon’s color, which will be used unless all vertices also have a color. If no color is defined, the default is white (1 1 1 1). The color may be morphed with a series of <DRGBA> entries.

<BFace> { boolean-value }

This defines whether the polygon will be rendered double-sided (i.e. its back face will be visible). By default, this option is disabled, and polygons are one-sided; specifying a nonzero value disables backface culling for this particular polygon and allows it to be viewed from either side.

<Scalar> bin { bin-name }

<Scalar> draw-order { number }

<Scalar> depth-offset { number }

<Scalar> depth-write { mode }

<Scalar> depth-test { mode }

<Scalar> visibility { hidden | normal }


<Patch> name {
    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }

A patch is similar to a polygon, but it is a special primitive that can only be rendered with the use of a tessellation shader. Each patch consists of an arbitrary number of vertices; all patches with the same number of vertices are collected together into the same GeomPatches object to be delivered to the shader in a single batch. It is then up to the shader to create the correct set of triangles from the patch data.

All of the attributes that are valid for Polygon, above, may also be specified for Patch.


<PointLight> name {
    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }

A PointLight is a set of single points. One point is drawn for each vertex listed in the <VertexRef>. Normals, textures, and colors may be specified for PointLights, as well as draw-order, plus one additional attribute valid only for PointLights and Lines:

<Scalar> thick { number }

<Scalar> perspective { boolean-value }


<Line> name {
    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }
    [component attributes]

A Line is a connected set of line segments. The listed N vertices define a series of N-1 line segments, drawn between vertex 0 and vertex 1, vertex 1 and vertex 2, etc. The line is not implicitly closed; if you wish to represent a loop, you must repeat vertex 0 at the end. As with a PointLight, normals, textures, colors, draw-order, and the thick attribute are all valid (but not perspective). Also, since a Line (with more than two vertices) is made up of multiple line segments, it may contain a number of <Component> entries, to set a different color and/or normal for each line segment, as in TriangleStrip, below.

Triangle Strips#

<TriangleStrip> name {
    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }
    [component attributes]

A triangle strip is defined as a series of connected triangles. After the first three vertices, which define the first triangle, each new vertex defines one additional triangle, by alternating up and down.

Triangle strips are rarely encountered in an egg file; it is normally generated automatically only during load time, when connected triangles are automatically meshed for loading, and even then it exists only momentarily. Since a triangle strip is a rendering optimization only and adds no useful scene information over a loose collection of triangles, its usage is contrary to the general egg philosophy of representing a scene in the abstract. Nevertheless, the syntax exists, primarily to allow inspection of the meshing results when needed. You can also add custom TriangleStrip entries to force a particular mesh arrangement.

It is possible for the individual triangles of a triangle strip to have a separate normal and/or color. If so, a <Component> entry should be given for each so-modified triangle:

<Component> index {
  <RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }
  <Normal> { x y z [morph-list] }

Where index ranges from 0 to the number of components defined by the triangle strip (less 1). Note that the component attribute list must always follow the vertex list.

Parametric Curves & Surfaces#

The following entries define parametric curves and surfaces. Generally, Panda supports these only in the abstract; they’re not geometry in the true sense but do exist in the scene graph and may have specific meaning to the application. However, Panda can create visible representations of these parametrics to aid visualization.

These entries might also have meaning to external tools outside of an interactive Panda session, such as egg-qtess, which can be used to convert NURBS surfaces to polygons at different levels of resolution.

In general, dynamic attributes such as morphs and joint assignment are legal for the control vertices of the following parametrics, but Panda itself doesn’t support them and will always create static curves and surfaces. External tools like egg-qtess, however, may respect them.

<NURBSCurve> {

    <Order> { order }
    <Knots> { knot-list }
    <VertexRef> { indices <Ref> { pool-name } }

A NURBS curve is a general parametric curve. It is often used to represent a motion path, e.g. for a camera or an object.

The order is equal to the degree of the polynomial basis plus 1. It must be an integer in the range [1,4].

The number of vertices must be equal to the number of knots minus the order.

Each control vertex of a NURBS is defined in homogeneous space with four coordinates x y z w (to convert to 3-space, divide x, y, and z by w). The last coordinate is always the homogeneous coordinate; if only three coordinates are given, it specifies a curve in two dimensions plus a homogeneous coordinate (x y w).

The following attributes may be defined:

<Scalar> type { curve-type }

<Scalar> subdiv { num-segments }

<RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }

^ This specifies the color of the overall curve.

NURBS control vertices may also be given color and/or morph attributes, but <Normal> and <UV> entries do not apply to NURBS vertices.

<NURBSSurface> name {

    <Order> { u-order v-order }
    <U-knots> { u-knot-list }
    <V-knots> { v-knot-list }

    <VertexRef> {
        <Ref> { pool-name }

A NURBS surface is an extension of a NURBS curve into two parametric dimensions, u and v. NURBS surfaces may be given the same set of attributes assigned to polygons, except for normals: <TRef>, <Texture>, <MRef>, <RGBA>, and draw-order are all valid attributes for NURBS. NURBS vertices, similarly, may be colored or morphed, but <Normal> and <UV> entries do not apply to NURBS vertices. The attributes may also include <NURBSCurve> and <Trim> entries; see below.

To have Panda create a visualization of a NURBS surface, the following two attributes should be defined as well:

<Scalar> U-subdiv { u-num-segments }
<Scalar> V-subdiv { v-num-segments }

The same sort of restrictions on order and knots applies to NURBS surfaces as do to NURBS curves. The order and knot description may be different in each dimension.

The surface must have u-num * v-num vertices, where u-num is the number of u-knots minus the u-order, and v-num is the number of v-knots minus the v-order. All vertices must come from the same vertex pool. The nth (zero-based) index number defines control vertex (u, v) of the surface, where n = (v * u-num) + u. Thus, it is the u coordinate which changes faster.

As with the NURBS curve, each control vertex is defined in homogeneous space with four coordinates x y z w.

A NURBS may also contain curves on its surface. These are one or more nested <NURBSCurve> entries included with the attributes; these curves are defined in the two-dimensional parametric space of the surface. Thus, these curve vertices should have only two dimensions plus the homogeneous coordinate: u v w. A curve-on-surface has no intrinsic meaning to the surface, unless it is defined within a <Trim> entry, below.

Finally, a NURBS may be trimmed by one or more trim curves. These are special curves on the surface which exclude certain areas from the NURBS surface definition. The inside is specified using two rules: an odd winding rule that states that the inside consists of all regions for which an infinite ray from any point in the region will intersect the trim curve an odd number of times, and a curve orientation rule that states that the inside consists of the regions to the left as the curve is traced.

Each trim curve contains one or more loops, and each loop contains one or more NURBS curves. The curves of a loop connect in a head-to-tail fashion and must be explicitly closed.

The trim curve syntax is as follows:

<Trim> {
  <Loop> {
    <NURBSCurve> {
      <Order> { order }
      <Knots> { knot-list }

      <VertexRef> { indices <Ref> { pool-name } }
    [ <NURBSCurve> { ... } ... ]
  [ <Loop> { ... } ... ]

Although the egg syntax supports trim curves, there are at present no egg processing tools that respect them. For instance, egg-qtess ignores trim curves and always tessellates the entire NURBS surface.


<Transform> { transform-definition }

This specifies a matrix transform at this group level. This defines a local coordinate space for this group and its descendants. Vertices are still specified in world coordinates (in a vertex pool), but any geometry assigned to this group will be inverse transformed to move its vertices to the local space.

The transform definition may be any sequence of zero or more of the following:

  • Transformations are post multiplied in the order they are encountered to produce a net transformation matrix.

  • Rotations are defined as a counterclockwise angle in degrees about a particular axis, either implicit (about the x, y, or z axis), or arbitrary.

  • Matrices, when specified explicitly, are row-major.

<Translate> { x y z }
<RotX> { degrees }
<RotY> { degrees }
<RotZ> { degrees }
<Rotate> { degrees x y z }
<Scale> { x y z }
<Scale> { s }

<Matrix4> {
  00 01 02 03
  10 11 12 13
  20 21 22 23
  30 31 32 33

Note that the <Transform> block should always define a 3-d transform when it appears within the body of a <Group>, while it may define either a 2-d or a 3-d transform when it appears within the body of a <Texture>. See <Texture>, above.


Morphs are linear interpolations of attribute values at run time, according to values read from an animation table. In general, vertex positions, surface normals, texture coordinates, and colors may be morphed.

A morph target is defined by giving a net morph offset for a series of vertex or polygon attributes; this offset is the value that will be added to the attribute when the morph target has the value 1.0. At run time, the morph target’s value may be animated to any scalar value (but generally between 0.0 and 1.0); the corresponding fraction of the offset is added to the attribute each frame.

There is no explicit morph target definition; a morph target exists solely as the set of all offsets that share the same target name. The target name may be any arbitrary string; like any name in an egg file, it should be quoted if it contains special characters.

The following types of morph offsets may be defined, within their corresponding attribute entries:

<Dxyz> target { x y z }

A position delta, valid within a <Vertex> entry or a <CV> entry. The given offset vector, scaled by the morph target’s value, is added to the vertex or CV position each frame.

<DNormal> target { x y z }

A normal delta, similar to the position delta, valid within a <Normal> entry (for vertex or polygon normals). The given offset vector, scaled by the morph target’s value, is added to the normal vector each frame. The resulting vector may not be automatically normalized to unit length.

<DUV> target { u v [w] }

A texture-coordinate delta, valid within a <UV> entry (within a <Vertex> entry). The offset vector should be 2-valued if the enclosing UV is 2-valued, or 3-valued if the enclosing UV is 3-valued. The given offset vector, scaled by the morph target’s value, is added to the vertex’s texture coordinates each frame.

<DRGBA> target { r g b a }

A color delta, valid within an <RGBA> entry (for vertex or polygon colors). The given 4-valued offset vector, scaled by the morph target’s value, is added to the color value each frame.


<Group> name { group-body }

A <Group> node is the primary means of providing structure to the egg file. Groups can contain vertex pools and polygons, as well as other groups. The egg loader translates <Group> nodes directly into PandaNodes in the scene graph (although the egg loader reserves the right to arbitrarily remove nodes that it deems unimportant–see the <Model> flag, below to avoid this). In addition, the following entries can be given specifically within a <Group> node to specify attributes of the group:

These attributes may be either on or off; they are off by default. They are turned on by specifying a non-zero “boolean-value”.

DCS Attributes#

<DCS> { boolean-value }

DCS stands for Dynamic Coordinate System. This indicates that show code will expect to be able to read the transform set on this node at run time, and may need to modify the transform further. This is a special case of <Model>, below.

<DCS> { dcs-type }

This is another syntax for the <DCS> flag. The dcs-type string should be one of either local or net, which specifies the kind of preserve_transform flag that will be set on the corresponding ModelNode.

  • If the string is local, it indicates that the local transform on this node (as well as the net transform) will not be affected by any flattening operation and will be preserved through the entire model loading process.

  • If the string is net, then only the net transform will be preserved; the local transform may be adjusted in the event of a flatten operation.

Model Attribute#

<Model> { boolean-value }

This indicates that the show code might need a pointer to this particular group. This creates a ModelNode at the corresponding level, which is guaranteed not to be removed by any flatten operation. However, its transform might still be changed, but see also the <DCS> flag, above.

Dart Attributes#

<Dart> { boolean-value }

This indicates that this group begins an animated character. A Character node, which is the fundamental animatable object of the high-level Actor class, will be created for this group.

This flag should always be present within the <Group> entry at the top of any hierarchy of <Joint>’s and/or geometry with morphed vertices; joints and morphs appearing outside of a hierarchy identified with a <Dart> flag are undefined.

<Dart> { structured }

This is an optional alternative for the <Dart> flag.

By default, Panda will collapse all of the geometry in a group (with the <Dart> { 1 } flag) a single node. While this is optimal for conditions such as characters moving around a scene, it may be suboptimal for larger or more complex characters.

This entry is typically generated by the egg-optchar program with the -dart structured flag. <Dart> { structured } implies <Dart> { 1 }.

Switch Attribute#

<Switch> { boolean-value }

This attribute indicates that the child nodes of this group represent a series of animation frames that should be consecutively displayed.

In the absence of an fps scalar for the group (see below), the egg loader creates a SwitchNode, and it the responsibility of the show code to perform the switching. If an fps scalar is defined and is nonzero, the egg loader creates a SequenceNode instead, which automatically cycles through its children.

Group Scalars#

Other Group Attributes#


<Billboard> { type }

This entry indicates that all geometry defined at or below this group level is part of a billboard that will rotate to face the camera. Type is either axis or point, describing the type of rotation.

Billboards rotate about their local axis. In the case of a Y-up file, the billboards rotate about the Y axis; in a Z-up file, they rotate about the Z axis. Point-rotation billboards rotate about the origin.

There is an implicit <Instance> around billboard geometry. This means that the geometry within a billboard is not specified in world coordinates, but in the local billboard space. Thus, a vertex drawn at point 0,0,0 will appear to be at the pivot point of the billboard, not at the origin of the scene.

Level of Detail (LOD)#

<SwitchCondition> {
   <Distance> {
      in out [fade] <Vertex> { x y z }

The subtree beginning at this node and below represents a single level of detail for a particular model. Sibling nodes represent the additional levels of detail. The geometry at this node will be visible when the point (x, y, z) is closer than in units, but further than out units, from the camera. fade is presently ignored.

Vertex References#

<VertexRef> { indices <Ref> { pool-name } }

This moves geometry created from the named vertices into the current group, regardless of the group in which the geometry is actually defined.


<Instance> name { group-body }

An <Instance> node is exactly like a <Group> node, except that vertices referenced by geometry created under the <Instance> node are not assumed to be given in world coordinates, but are instead given in the local space of the <Instance> node itself (including any transforms given to the node).

In other words, geometry under an <Instance> node is defined in local coordinates. In principle, similar geometry can be created under several different <Instance> nodes, and thus can be positioned in a different place in the scene each instance. This doesn’t necessarily imply the use of shared geometry in the Panda3D scene graph, but see the <Ref> syntax, below.

This is particularly useful in conjunction with a <File> entry, to load external file references at places other than the origin.

A special syntax of <Instance> entries does actually create shared geometry in the scene graph. The syntax is:

<Instance> name {
    <Ref> { group-name }
    [ <Ref> { group-name } ... ]

In this case, the referenced group name will appear as a duplicate instance in this part of the tree. Local transforms can be applied and are relative to the referencing group’s transform. The referenced group must appear preceding this point in the egg file, and it will also be a part of the scene in the point at which it first appears. The referenced group may be either a <Group> or an <Instance> of its own; usually, it is a <Group> nested within an earlier <Instance> entry.


<Joint> name { [transform] [ref-list] [joint-list] }

A joint is a highly specialized kind of grouping node. A tree of joints is used to specify the skeletal structure of an animated character.

A joint may only contain one of three things. It may contain a <Transform> entry, as above, which defines the joint’s unanimated (rest) position; it may contain lists of assigned vertices or CV’s; and it may contain other joints.

A tree of <Joint> nodes only makes sense within a character definition, which is created by applying the <Dart> flag to a group. See <Dart>, above.

The vertex assignment is crucial. This is how the geometry of a character is made to move with the joints. The character’s geometry is actually defined outside the joint tree, and each vertex must be assigned to one or more joints within the tree.

This is done with zero or more <VertexRef> entries per joint, as the following:

<VertexRef> { indices [<Scalar> membership { m }] <Ref> { pool-name } }

This is syntactically similar to the way vertices are assigned to polygons. Each <VertexRef> entry can assign vertices from only one vertex pool (but there may be many <VertexRef> entries per joint). Indices is a list of vertex numbers from the specified vertex pool, in an arbitrary order.

The membership scalar is optional. If specified, it is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates the fraction of dominance this joint has over the vertices. This is used to implement soft-skinning, so that each vertex may have partial ownership in several joints.

The <VertexRef> entry may also be given to ordinary <Group> nodes. In this case, it treats the geometry as if it was parented under the group in the first place. Non-total membership assignments are meaningless.

<Bundle> name { table-list }
<Table> name { table-body }

A table is a set of animated values for joints. A tree of tables with the same structure as the corresponding tree of joints must be defined for each character to be animated. Such a tree is placed under a <Bundle> node, which provides a handle within Panda to the tree as a whole.

Bundles may only contain tables; tables may contain more tables, bundles, or any one of the following (<Scalar> entries are optional, and default as shown):

<S$Anim> name {
    <Scalar> fps { 24 }
    <V> { values }

This is a table of scalar values, one per frame. This may be applied to a morph slider, for instance.

<Xfm$Anim> name {
    <Scalar> fps { 24 }
    <Scalar> order { srpht }
    <Scalar> contents { ijkabcrphxyz }
    <V> { values }

This is a table of matrix transforms, one per frame, such as may be applied to a joint. The contents string consists of a subset of the letters ijkabcrphxyz, where each letter corresponds to a column of the table; <V> is a list of numbers of length(contents) * num_frames. Each letter of the contents string corresponds to a type of transformation:

i, j, k - scale in x, y, z directions, respectively
a, b, c - shear in xy, xz, and yz planes, respectively
r, p, h - rotate by roll, pitch, heading
x, y, z - translate in x, y, z directions

The net transformation matrix specified by each row of the table is defined as the net effect of each of the individual columns’ transform, according to the corresponding letter in the contents string. The order the transforms are applied is defined by the order string:

s       - all scale and shear transforms
r, p, h - individual rotate transforms
t       - all translation transforms
<Xfm$Anim_S$> name {
    <Scalar> fps { 24 }
    <Scalar> order { srpht }
    <S$Anim> i { ... }
    <S$Anim> j { ... }

This is a variant on the <Xfm$Anim> entry, where each column of the table is entered as a separate <S$Anim> table. This syntax reflects an attempt to simplify the description by not requiring repetition of values for columns that did not change value during an animation sequence.

<VertexAnim> name {
    <Scalar> width { table-width }
    <Scalar> fps { 24 }
    <V> { values }

This is a table of vertex positions, normals, texture coordinates, or colors. These values will be substituted at runtime for the corresponding values in a <DynamicVertexPool>. The name of the table should be coords, norms, texCoords, or colors, according to the type of values defined. The value of table-width is the number of floats in each row of the table. In the case of a coords or norms table, this must be 3 times the number of vertices in the corresponding dynamic vertex pool. (For texCoords and colors, this number must be 2 times and 4 times, respectively.)

Animation Structure#

Unanimated models may be defined in egg files without much regard to any particular structure, so long as named entries like VertexPools and Textures appear before they are referenced.

However, a certain rigid structural convention must be followed in order to properly define an animated skeleton-morph model and its associated animation data.

The structure for an animated model should resemble the following:

<Dart> { 1 }
<Joint> JOINT_A {
    <Transform> { ... }
    <VertexRef> { ... }
    <Group> { <Polygon> ... }
    <Joint> JOINT_B {
    <Transform> { ... }
    <VertexRef> { ... }
    <Group> { <Polygon> ... }
    <Joint> JOINT_C {
    <Transform> { ... }
    <VertexRef> { ... }
    <Group> { <Polygon> ... }

The <Dart> flag is necessary to indicate that this group begins an animated model description.

Without the <Dart> flag, joints will be treated as ordinary groups, and morphs will be ignored.

It is important to note that utilizing <Dart> { 1 } will collapse all of the model’s geometry into a single node. To omit this, use <Dart> { structured } instead. (See <Dart> above.)

In the above, UPPERCASE NAMES represent an arbitrary name that you may choose. The name of the enclosing group, CHARACTER_NAME, is taken as the name of the animated model. It should generally match the bundle name in the associated animation tables.

Within the <Dart> group, you may define an arbitrary hierarchy of <Joint> entries. There may be as many <Joint> entries as you like, and they may have any nesting complexity you like. There may be either one root <Joint>, or multiple roots. However, you must always include at least one <Joint>, even if your animation consists entirely of morphs.

Polygons may be directly attached to joints by enclosing them within the <Joint> group, perhaps with additional nesting <Group> entries, as illustrated above. This will result in the polygon’s vertices being hard-assigned to the joint it appears within. Alternatively, you declare the polygons elsewhere in the egg file, and use <VertexRef> entries within the <Joint> group to associate the vertices with the joints. This is the more common approach, since it allows for soft-assignment of vertices to multiple joints.

It is not necessary for every joint to have vertices at all. Every joint should include a transform entry, however, which defines the initial, resting transform of the joint (but see also <DefaultPose>, below). If a transform is omitted, the identity transform is assumed.

Some of the vertex definitions may include morph entries, as described in the Morphs section above. These are meaningful only for vertices that are assigned, either implicitly or explicitly, to at least one joint.

You may have multiple versions of a particular animated model–for instance, multiple different LOD’s, or multiple different clothing options. Normally each different version is stored in a different egg file, but it is also possible to include multiple versions within the same egg file. If the different versions are intended to play the same animations, they should all have the same CHARACTER_NAME, and their joint hierarchies should exactly match in structure and names.

The structure for an animation table should resemble the following:

<Table> {
    <Table> "<skeleton>" {
    <Table> JOINT_A {
        <Xfm$Anim_S$> xform {
        <Char*> order { sphrt }
        <Scalar> fps { 24 }
        <S$Anim> x { 0 0 10 10 20 ... }
        <S$Anim> y { 0 0 0 0 0 ... }
        <S$Anim> z { 20 20 20 20 20 ... }
        <Table> JOINT_B {
        <Xfm$Anim_S$> xform {
            <Char*> order { sphrt }
            <Scalar> fps { 24 }
            <S$Anim> x { ... }
            <S$Anim> y { ... }
            <S$Anim> z { ... }
        <Table> JOINT_C {
        <Xfm$Anim_S$> xform {
            <Char*> order { sphrt }
            <Scalar> fps { 24 }
            <S$Anim> x { ... }
            <S$Anim> y { ... }
            <S$Anim> z { ... }
    <Table> morph {
    <S$Anim> MORPH_A {
        <Scalar> fps { 24 }
        <V> { 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 ... }
    <S$Anim> MORPH_B {
        <Scalar> fps { 24 }
        <V> { ... }
    <S$Anim> MORPH_C {
        <Scalar> fps { 24 }
        <V> { ... }

The <Bundle> entry begins an animation table description. This entry must have at least one child: a <Table> named <skeleton> (this name is a literal keyword and must be present). The children of this <Table> entry should be a hierarchy of additional <Table> entries, one for each joint in the model. The joint structure and names defined by the <Table> hierarchy should exactly match the joint structure and names defined by the <Joint> hierarchy in the corresponding model.

Each <Table> that corresponds to a joint should have one child, an <Xfm$Anim_S$> entry named xform (this name is a literal keyword and must be present). Within this entry, there is a series of up to twelve <S$Anim> entries, each with a one-letter name like “x”, “y”, or “z”, which define the per-frame x, y, z position of the corresponding joint. There is one numeric entry for each frame, and all frames represent the same length of time. You can also define rotation, scale, and shear. See the full description of <Xfm$Anim_S$>, above.

Within a particular animation bundle, all of the various components throughout the various <Tables> should define the same number of frames, with the exception that if any of them define exactly one frame value, that value is understood to be replicated the appropriate number of times to match the number of frames defined by other components.

(Note that you may alternatively define an animation table with an <Xfm$Anim> entry, which defines all of the individual components in one big matrix instead of individually. See the full description above.)

Each joint defines its frame rate independently, with an fps scalar. This determines the number of frames per second for the frame data within this table. Typically, all joints have the same frame rate, but it is possible for different joints to animate at different speeds.

Each joint also defines the order in which its components should be composed to determine the complete transform matrix, with an order scalar. This is described in more detail above.

If any of the vertices in the model have morphs, the top-level <Table> should also include a <Table> named morph (this name is also a literal keyword). This table in turn contains a list of <S$Anim> entries, one for each named morph. Each table contains a list of numeric values, one per frame; as with the joint data, there should be the same number of numeric values in all tables, with the exception that just one value is understood to mean hold that value through the entire animation.

The morph table may be omitted if there are no morphs defined in the model.

There should be a separate <Bundle> definition for each different animation. The <Bundle> name should match the CHARACTER_NAME used for the model, above. Typically each bundle is stored in a separate egg file, but it is also possible to store multiple different animation bundles within the same egg file. If you do this, you may violate the CHARACTER_NAME rule, and give each bundle a different name; this will become the name of the animation in the Actor interface.

Although animations and models are typically stored in separate egg files, it is possible to store them together in one large egg file. The Actor interface will then make available all of the animations it finds within the egg file, by bundle name.

<DefaultPose> { transform-definition }

This defines an optional default pose transform, which might be a different transform from that defined by the <Transform> entry, above. This makes sense only for a <Joint>. See the <Joint> description, below.

The default pose transform defines the transform the joint will maintain in the absence of any animation being applied. This is different from the <Transform> entry, which defines the coordinate space the joint must have in order to keep its vertices in their (global space) position as given in the egg file. If this is different from the <Transform> entry, the joint’s vertices will not be in their egg file position at initial load. If there is no <DefaultPose> entry for a particular joint, the implicit default-pose transform is the same as the <Transform> entry.

Normally, the <DefaultPose> entry, if any, is created by the egg-optchar -defpose option. Most other software has little reason to specify an explicit <DefaultPose>.

<AnimPreload> {
  <Scalar> fps { float-value }
  <Scalar> num-frames { integer-value }

One or more AnimPreload entries may appear within the <Group> that contains a <Dart> entry, indicating an animated character (see above). These AnimPreload entries record the minimal preloaded animation data required in order to support asynchronous animation binding. These entries are typically generated by the egg-optchar program with the -preload option, and are used by the Actor code when allow-async-bind is True (the default).


<File> { filename }

This includes a copy of the referenced egg file at the current point. This is usually placed under an <Instance> node, so that the current transform will apply to the geometry in the external file. The extension .egg is implied if it is omitted.

As with texture filenames, the filename may be a relative path, in which case the current egg file’s directory is searched first, and then the model-path is searched.

<Tag> key { value }

This attribute defines the indicated tag (as a key/value pair), retrievable via NodePath::get_tag() and related interfaces, on this node.